I'm not sure he has any new tricks, but his best trick by far is sleeping through the night which he has been doing without fail for about four weeks now. We just put him down for the night at 7:20pm, and I'll go get him tomorrow morning just after 6am. It's amazing how little time I actually get to spend with him!
And here's a cute story. I was helping him roll over on his play mat, and he couldn't come close without my help. So I was talking to him and asked why he couldn't roll over. I said it must be because he weighed too much. Just then his left hand pointed to his belly and he gave a huge smile. He's already a comic genius with perfect timing.
Here are a few pictures of him over the past month: sleeping at Memorial Park, spending the day with Mommy being fascinated by ordinary things, and on a play date with Abby.
And here's a cute video of Miguelito being mesmerized by his mobile. He typically won't pay attention to me even if I'm inches from his face if the mobile is on.
The blog is a great idea! Keep us posted please! He's a cutie!