Annual high school spirit week parade on the main street near our house in late September. In the first one, Michael wanted to be like me so he sat down in the same manner... but far enough away where he could keep his independence. Besides a couple of ant bites, he really enjoyed the parade.
It's a little funny blogging about things that occurred months ago with a toddler. Reaching up this high and building something was a big deal at the time. Now... not quite as much. But we did have some really good times with these blocks. Hopefully soon he'll re-discover them and build on his own.
Fun around the house!
So I took Michael outside to play with some water paints. We painted up the deck and had a good time. It washed right off the deck no problem... not so with his clothes. This was the last time they could be worn. And it's hard to get a good picture when you're desperate to keep him from touching anything inside the house.
Mami's birthday.
Checking out the rain.
No Tia Elsa, don't go!!!!
On Amada's birthday, she took the day off work and spent it with Michael at the Children's Museum and at Memorial Park.
City Park in New Orleans to feed the ducks.
Yes, this is Santa in a pirogue.
More fun times in the Big Easy
For Michael's first trick-or-treating, we dressed him up as a runner! Fuel belt and all. He definitely enjoyed the experience.
We dressed him up for school pictures. We couldn't figure out at first why he was squatting down, and he wouldn't stand up straight when we asked him to. So finally I gave up on getting a good picture. I had been squatting down to get eye level with him for the shot. As soon as I stood up, then so did he. It's funny how much kids observe.
Weekend trip to Zapata, following by Thanksgiving in Zapata
Living up to the wording on his shirt.
Part of his Thanksgiving meal.
Dickinson Festival of Lights
Posing with his daycare friend Jackson.
A couple of great pics with Tia Elsa
Here's a video of Michael practicing his manners.
Michael tries pizza for the first time, and then immediately refuses any more spinach. Classic.
Michael falling asleep during dinner.