This past weekend we went to Zapata for Mama's 100th birthday party! Michael is her great-grandson, but there were some great-great-grandchildren there that are older than Michael. Michael is still very shy when meeting new people, but after a day he warms up very nicely.
Here's a video from 3 weeks ago of Michael doing pushups. Mami did some pushups in the kitchen, and well monkey see monkey do.
Michael is taking swimming lessons one day a week for 30 minutes during the summer. Here on Memorial Day, he took a dip for only his 2nd time ever. Here he's in between blowing bubbles in the water.
One recent morning I changed his diaper, put him on the ground and then went to the trash can to throw the diaper away. I came back to the room and found him like this! How quickly things can happen.
Las primas de Miguelito. His new favorite playmates.
Michael had a play-date with Jackson from daycare.
Family pic. Who's that tall, pale guy who stands out here?
Sidewalk chalk! Apparently when you scoot around, it comes off the concrete onto your shorts. Who knew.
I made some fruit smoothies and thought Michael might like to try it. Did he ever!